
How to Apply To Study In Canada?

The numbers make it clear why Canada has become a popular place for foreign students to study. More than 807,700 foreign students at all levels had come to Canada by the end of 2022. What's most interesting is how many different places these students are from. 

India is in first place with 40%, then China with 12%, the Philippines with 4%, and France, Iran, and Nigeria, each with 3%. The growth is awe-inspiring. As of the end of 2022, Canada had grown by an impressive 43% in the last five years and by an even more impressive 170% in the last ten years.

Ontario is by far the most popular province in Canada. In fact, about 51% of new foreign students who came to study in the last year chose to go to Ontario. Following closely behind, British Columbia takes in 20% of international students. Quebec and Alberta take in 12% and 5% of foreign students, respectively.

Why Apply to Study in Canada?

So why do people Apply to Study in Canada? The fact that Canada is known as a safe and peaceful country is the first important factor. 

An important reason for people to move there is also the excellent and varied education system. Lastly, Canada's culture is very open and accepting, which is a big part of how decisions are made.

Also, while they are in Canada, foreign students are thinking about the future. It's great that 72.5% of them want to apply for a post-graduate work pass, which lets them get useful work experience. 

Furthermore, 60% of these students want to make Canada their permanent home, which shows how appealing the country is as a spot not only for learning but also for building a bright future. 

Canada has never been more appealing to international students, thanks to its friendly people, excellent schools, and wide range of possibilities.

Checklist for International Students' Documents

For the entry process, you need to have certain things. Here is a list of papers that might be asked for from you.

Acceptance Letter: A letter from the school letting you know that you've been accepted into the program of study.

Financial Proof: It's essential to show that you have enough money to take care of yourself and any family members who are coming with you. It's essential to show that you can pay for both your education and the costs of living in Canada for the first year.

Identity Proof: Birth certificates, marriage certificates, and passports are all forms of identification.

What is a Canadian Study Permit?

The document that lets you study in a school in Canada is called a Canadian study Permit.

If you want to study in Canada, you can apply for a study permit once you have been accepted to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).

How to Apply to Study in Canada?

To get a Canadian study permit, you need to do four things:

1. Check your eligibility: Make sure you meet the standards to get a study permit in Canada. What you'll need is:

- An offer letter from a DLI
- Proof that you can pay the bills
- Supporting documents (which depend on where you are from)

2. Prepare your application: If you meet all the standards, you can begin getting ready for the application for a study permit. Check to see if you have all the papers needed in your country. An immigration officer may not accept your application if you can't show that you meet the standards. You should have a trained immigration lawyer look over your application before you send it in.

3. Submit your application: When you send in your application, you can do one of two things:
- Make an account on the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) page to send in an electronic application. You can use scanned or electronic copies of papers to send in an application.
- Send an application on paper: Make copies of your papers and mail them to the Visa Application Centre (VAC) for your country.

4. When Your Application is Approved: You won't get your Canadian study pass until you get to a Port of Entry (POE) in Canada. A Port of Entry Introduction Letter will be sent to you by the Canadian government if your permit is accepted. When you get to Canada, you will need to show this letter to an immigration officer in order to get your study pass.

How long does it take to get a study permit in Canada?

Study permits take a wide range of time to process. It takes different amounts of time, depending on where you live.

It takes between one and two weeks at the very least, but some applications may have to wait up to sixteen weeks. Processing times depend on how many forms are sent in. If you apply near the start of the school year in Canada, you might have to wait.

What Are the Conditions of a Canadian Study Permit?

A Canadian study pass comes with a set of rules and requirements. You must follow these rules if you want to get the most out of your study experience.

- This means you have to be enrolled at a certain learning school (DLI).
- You must be registered as a full-time or part-time student in Quebec, as the case may be.
- You can't take an official break from school for more than 150 days at a time.

It's important to know what your study pass says and follow it. You will get the most out of your time studying abroad in Canada if you do this. Students who follow the rules of their study permits also have a better chance of getting a work permit after graduation. 

How much does it cost to study in Canada?

The good news is that it's not too expensive to go to school in Canada. Most of the time, Canadian education costs less than those in Australia, the US, and the UK.

For the 2018–2019 school year, the average tuition cost for a foreign first-year student in Canada was $27,159 CAD per year. Around $45,950 USD is how much education costs at an American university for the same year.

The cost of living is another important thing to think about when choosing where to study abroad. Compared to most other top places for foreign students to study, Canada's cost of living can be meagre.

The cost of housing for students in Canada

In Canada, there are many places for students to live. Students can choose the best way to live for them, whether it's in a dorm at school or an apartment rental. Most of the time, housing prices are higher in big cities like Toronto and Vancouver than in smaller towns and cities.

Nearly 20,000 foreign students attend the University of Toronto. The university says that housing in downtown Toronto costs between $1,080 and $2,982 CAD per month for a student.

When you compare Montreal to other big cities in North America, the cost of living is cheap. The University of Montreal says that student living costs $550 CAD per month. Montreal is still a very popular place for foreign students to study, and it was recently ranked fifth in the world as the best place to study.

The cost of living is 10–30% less in Saint John's, Newfoundland than in other Canadian places. It is one of Canada's smallest cities. A two-bedroom apartment rents for only $710 CDN a month, which is only $350 per room.

The cost of food and transportation

The prices of food and transportation vary from province to province, just like the prices of homes. Let us use the three cases above to look at how much Canada's cities charge for amenities.

The prices are all in Canadian dollars.

New York:

- $143 a month for local transportation
- $31.00 for a simple lunch menu in the business area
- $300 to $600 a month for groceries is a good range.

In Montreal:

- $97 a month for local transportation
- $25.00 for a simple lunch menu in the business area
- A weekly grocery budget of $300 to $550 is suggested.

Saint John's

- $78.00 a month for local transportation
- $23 for a simple lunch menu in the business area
- A monthly shopping budget of $487.00 is suggested.

Insurance for health:

Every foreign student in Canada needs to have health insurance. International students can use Canada's public health care system in some provinces immediately but not in others. International students who live in areas that don't cover their health care costs must buy their own. For foreign students in these provinces, most schools offer health insurance plans that may be added to your tuition and fees.

How to Get Free Schooling in Canada

Students from other countries who want to study in Canada can get a lot of scholarships.

What possibilities are open to you will depend on what you study or research and where you are from.

What is a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)?

Any school that lets international students in is called a designated learning institution (DLI). Canada's elementary and secondary schools are all DLIs, which means they can accept kids from other countries. Before you apply, you should look at the Canadian government's list of DLIs to see which schools are on it.

What are the Different Types of Canadian Post-Secondary Schools?

Canada is known for making high-quality education easy for foreign students to get. You need to know about Canada's levels of study before you can choose the right school for you.

Post-secondary education in Canada includes any program of study after the 12th grade. There are several kinds of schooling after high school, and each one serves a different purpose.

There may be specific requirements to get into some classes. Our job is to make sure that you meet the basic requirements for any school you are applying to.

Do I Need to Take the IELTS to Apply to Study in Canada?

You must be able to speak English or French well enough to go to school in Canada. Postsecondary schools in Canada have their own rules about how well foreign students can speak and write English. Different schools have different language standards.

As you work on your application, you should find out exactly what the school needs from you. You can even take English classes at some places after you start studying. Some foreign students don't have to show proof that they can speak and write the language. If you are from a place where English is the main language or have studied in English, you might not need to take the IELTS.

Each school had its own rules about words. Always make sure you know what the school you want to apply to needs from you.

Do I Need to Submit a Letter of Intent to Study in Canada?

An important part of your study permit application is your letter of desire. It should talk about your goals and why you want to study in the country. You should be aware of the requirements for having a Canadian study pass.

The letter of intent is meant to reassure the Canadian government that you will follow the rules of your permit. You have to agree to leave the country when your pass runs out.

When is the last date to apply?

Every school has its own due date. Make sure you send in your application a long time before this date. 

Every year, a huge number of people apply to schools in Canada. As the deadline gets closer, schools pick and choose who they let in. It's especially hard to get into the better schools, so send in your application as soon as possible.

Which Canadian school is best for me?

There are a variety of postsecondary schools in Canada, with different numbers and areas of focus. Here is a list of five of the best schools in the country, along with a short description of each one to get you started!

University of Toronto (UofT)

You've probably heard of one of Canada's schools, the University of Toronto. International students choose UofT because of its strong academics and lively college life. Twenty thousand of them to be exact. It is also in the middle of the world's most varied city's downtown area.

University of British Columbia (UBC)

UBC is the most foreign university in North America. Thirty percent of UBC's students are from outside of Canada. These 16,188 students come from 156 different countries. The university is in busy Vancouver, which is on Canada's beautiful west coast. UBC is a great choice for people who want to live in the city but still be close to nature. If you live in Vancouver, it's easy to get to the forest, beach, and mountains that are outside.

McGill University

McGill is known all over the world for being excellent. It's easy to see why more than 12,000 foreign students live there. McGill is an English university, even though it is in the French state of Quebec. People say that Montreal is one of the best places for students to live. The cost of living is low, and there is a lively arts and culture scene there.

Université de Montreal (UdeM)

UdeM is one of the best universities in Canada, and it's a great choice for people who want to learn in French! Every year, 9,500 foreign students attend UdeM and its partner schools in the city of Montreal.

McMaster University

McMaster is one of the top 100 schools in the world. The university is in Hamilton, Ontario, which is only an hour's drive from Toronto. There are a lot of new tech jobs opening up in Hamilton right now. Good news for people who want to work while they are in school or afterward!

Can I switch schools or programs?

While you are in Canada, you have the right to change schools or programs whenever you want. That being said, you will need to make sure you take the right steps and don't break the rules of your study permit.

To change your school or program through the online platform, you need to do the following:

- Log in to your account.
- Look for the part that says "Designated Learning Institution student transfer."
- Choose to move from a DLI number.
- Type in the number of your study pass application in the search field, and then click "search for my application."
- You might be asked to put more information from your first study permit application, so keep this handy.
- For your new program or school, enter the new DLI number, your new student ID number, and the date you will begin.
- Click on send transfer.
- After that, you'll be asked to look over all the information you sent. Click "Confirm Transfer" to finish the process if everything looks good.
- Someone will let you know when your request is finished. This proves that you were able to let the government know about your new plans.

Can I work in Canada while I'm in school?

Yes! When they come to Canada to study, foreign students can work, which is another perk. This helps pay for some of the costs of living and going to school.

During school terms, international students in Canada can work up to 20 hours a week as part-time workers. International students may work full-time during breaks like summer leave.

This is true whether they work on or off campus. Most students don't need a work pass to work while they are in school. Your study pass will tell you if you can work outside of school. 

There's a chance you could work more than 20 hours during the term if your course requires it. This will be written in your acceptance letter. You will be given both a work permit and a school permit if the government agrees to this condition. You can only work on campus with this work pass.  

Can I Bring My Family With Me While I Study?

Anyone from another country who is married or has kids may want to bring them with them. Canadian visa officers will look at applications for study permits that include family members who want to come with the applicant. You should know that putting family members on an application for a study permit could affect the visa officer's choice.

Your partner will be able to work full-time in Canada if you are approved as a family. Any kids who come with you will be able to study for free.

Can my spouse work in Canada while I go to school?

If you bring your family with you, your partner will be able to get an open work permit that lets them work full-time in Canada while you are in school.

Can I go to school in Quebec?

You can choose to study in English, French, or both when you go to school in Quebec. However, the rules for getting a student visa in Quebec are a little different from those in the rest of Canada.

What Do You Need to Do to Go to School in Quebec?

You will need a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) to go to school in Quebec. This paper was made by the Ministry of Immigration, Citizenship, and Integration (MIFI). It shows that Quebec has agreed to let you study there as a foreign student. If you want to study in Québec, you need a CAQ before you can apply for a study visa.

You must meet the following conditions in order to be able to apply for a CAQ.

- Get into a listed learning school in Québec.
- Pay the fees that come with applying for a CAQ.
- Accept to follow the rules for getting a CAQ for projects.

If you want to study a program that lasts less than 6 months, you do not need a CAQ or a study pass.

You need to get a study pass from the Canadian Government once you have a CAQ. Your study permit will let you start learning in Canada as soon as you get it.

Does Canada's health care system cover international students?

Every foreign student in Canada needs to have health insurance. International students can use Canada's public health care system in some areas. Students who live in areas that don't offer health insurance must get their own. All schools in Canada give health insurance plans to students from outside of Canada.

Can I stay in Canada after I graduate?

It's easy for foreign students to become permanent residents of Canada if they want to stay.

International students can stay in Canada and work for up to three years after they graduate with a Post-Graduate Work Permit. International college grads may be able to apply for permanent residency after working in Canada for a year. 

To get a PGWP, you have to show that you have followed all the rules of your study pass. It looks like studying was what you did most of the time in Canada.

A PGWP is usually given for the same amount of time that you study in Canada.